# Manage Basic Storage ## Dennis Kibbe ### Mesa Community College Note: This slide presentation was created using [Reveal.js](https://revealjs.com). You can access a transcript of this presentation by pressing s for speaker notes. You can access navigation help by pressing the question mark key. Audio for this presentation is artificially generated. --- # Module Outline 1. Introduction 1. Add Partitions, File Systems, and Persistent Mounts 1. Guided Exercise 1. Manage Swap Space 1. Guided Exercise 1. Key Takeaways 1. Resources 1. Graded Lab Note: --- # Learning Objectives *After completing the work in this module you will be able to:* 1. Create storage partitions, format them with file systems, and mount them for use. 1. Create and manage swap spaces to supplement physical memory. Note: --- # Introduction ## Manage Basic Storage Note: --- # Guided Exercise ## Add Partitions, File Systems, and Persistent Mounts  Note: --- # Manage Swap Space Note: --- # Guided Exercise ## Manage Swap Space  Note: --- # Guided Exercise ##  Note: --- # Key Takeaways 1. The `parted` command adds, modifies, and removes partitions on disks with the MBR or the GPT partitioning scheme. 1. The `mkfs.xfs` command creates XFS file systems on disk partitions. 1. The `/etc/fstab` file contains devices that must be persistently mounted. 1. The `mkswap` command initializes swap spaces.` Note: --- # Resources Note: Here are some resources for the topics covered in this chapter. --- # Graded Lab ## Manage Basic Storage  Note: ---  Note: This ends this slide presentation. I hope you found it useful.