# Get started with Red Hat Enterprise Linux ## Dennis Kibbe ### Mesa Community College Note: This slide presentation was created using [Reveal.js](https://revealjs.com). You can access a transcript of this presentation by pressing s for speaker notes. You can access navigation help by pressing the question mark key. --- # Module Outline 1. Introduction 1. Key Takeaways 1. Resources 1. Graded Lab Note: --- # Learning Objectives *After completing the work in this module you will be able to:* Note: --- # What is Linux? Note: Linux is Linux started as a student project in the 1990s. Over time Linux evolved into a robust, secure operating system that powers the Internet and most Fortune 500 companies.Linux also makes an excellent operating system for home use. --- # What is a Linux "Distro"? Note: Linux is licensed in a way that encourages innovation. Because of that there are dozens of popular Linux distributions or "distros." A Linux distro consists of the Linux kernel (the heart of the operating system), GNU utilities, and many, many useful programs distributed under one of many Free and Open Source licenses. When you install a Linux distro the installation is complete with a web browser, office suite, necessary hardware driver, and, often, games. Check out DistroWatch to get started. --- # What is RHEL? (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a popular Linux distribution used by companies for mission critical applications. Red Hat makes money with a subscription model where customers pay for support. --- # What is Open Source? Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Guided Exercise ## Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Note: --- # Guided Exercise ## Note: --- # Key Takeaways Note: --- # Resources Note: Here are some resources for the topics covered in this chapter. --- # Graded Lab ## Configure and Secure SSH  Note: ---  Note: This ends this slide presentation. I hope you found it useful.